Alhamdulillah. Rezeki yang tidak disangka-sangka saya terima minggu lepas secara percuma. Mula-mula Cleanser dan BB Cream Seqy Beauty dari Kak Jeng, Viruspadu . Harap-harap lepas ni flawless macam Sepet dan Kak Jeng. hahaha. Berangan. Cleanser tu memang lembut ajer kulit muka lepas cuci. BB Cream tu memang sangat best pakai. Muka tak ada berminyak dan boleh lawan la BB Cream Maybelline tau #jangankecamsaya
Cleanser by Seqy Beauty RM45
Sakura Mask by Seqy Beauty 30g RM80
Skin Care by Seqy Beauty RM130
Serum by Seqy Beauty RM60
Day And Night Cream by Seqy Beauty RM75
Toner by Seqy Beauty RM65
Kalau nak cuba produk dari Seqy Beauty atau produk Eliss ( bukan produk saya punya tau, so nak beli barangan Eliss memang saya tak boleh bagi murah ) tapi dengan Kak Jeng kita tak tahu lah yer. So boleh berhubung terus dengan Kak Jeng atau pembelian secara dalam talian .

Yang kedua pulak dapat Peppermint spray Young Living dari Erni .
Tak guna lagi sebab blur cara nak pakai macam mana. hahaha. So saya google dan dapat tips dari blog Young Living ni.
** Saya dah guna untuk selsema saya, Alhamdulillah, kering selsema saya. Saya ada resdung yang agak teruk jugak dan bersin setiap pagi. Hari ni dah hilang soksek soksek...Tak sangka pulak !
Cara menggunakan EO peppermint:
Inhale or rub a drop on your abdomen to soothe minor stomach discomfort.*
- Rub one drop on the temples, forehead, over the sinuses (careful to avoid contact with your eyes), and on the back of the neck to relieve head pressure.*
- Place 2 drops on the tongue and rub another drop of oil under the nose to help improve concentration and alertness.
- Apply to the back of the neck and shoulders throughout the day to keep energy up.
- Diffuse or inhale mid-morning to curb the desire to snack.
Inhale or rub a drop on your abdomen to soothe minor stomach discomfort.*
Fever, Flu or cough. These 4 EOs are a must have at home. A starter kit I must say.
Flu /cold : lemon + Peppermint + thieves, apply on chest
Cough : lemon + Peppermint, apply on chest
Fever : Peppermint, apply under the feet
Cuts : lavender, apply directly on the cuts or scrapes
Sore throat : lemon + thieves, apply on chest, throat.
Detox : lemon, drink it with water
Use it as a single oil or you can mix and blend for maximum effects!
So kalau nak cuba EO ni boleh berhubung terus dengan Erni .
Become a member and get 24% discounts. PM Erni for details.
FB : Chomel Oilers
W/A : 0124340102
Sekian entry tayang-tayang rezeki yang tak disangka-sangka minggu lepas. OK bai ..hehehe
Flu /cold : lemon + Peppermint + thieves, apply on chest
Cough : lemon + Peppermint, apply on chest
Fever : Peppermint, apply under the feet
Cuts : lavender, apply directly on the cuts or scrapes
Sore throat : lemon + thieves, apply on chest, throat.
Detox : lemon, drink it with water
Use it as a single oil or you can mix and blend for maximum effects!
Become a member and get 24% discounts. PM Erni for details.
FB : Chomel Oilers
W/A : 0124340102
Sekian entry tayang-tayang rezeki yang tak disangka-sangka minggu lepas. OK bai ..hehehe
Pergaulan yang Baik
Daripada Abu Hurairah RA katanya, sabda Rasulullah SAW, “Orang mukmin yang paling sempurna imannya ialah mereka yang paling baik akhlaknya. Orang-orang yang terpilih di antara kamu ialah mereka yang paling baik pergaulan serta hubungan dengan isteri-isteri mereka.”
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